
I have delivered communications as a participant in several conferences and seminars, both international and local. Here you have a summary of them.

International Conferences

20. «A multispecies coexistence based on rewilding and degrowth for the sake of global health», 16th European Public Health Conference 2023, Dublin (Ireland), 9th November 2023.

19. «Ethics of rewilding in the Anthropocene», VIII International Conference on Contemporary Philosophical Thought: Philosophy and Ruralities, Porrúa (Spain), 8th October 2023.

18. «The tricky scope of the fourth C in rewilding», (Un)Common Worlds III Conference: Navigating Biodiverse Anthropocenes, Oulu (Finland), 4th October 2023.

17. «Carnivores, cores, corridors, and…? The ethical threshold of the fourth C in rewilding». I Congreso Internacional de Humanidades Ecológicas. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 22nd May 2023. 

16. «Rewilding in the Anthropocene: towards a wilder coexistence», IV International Congress of Human Rights and Globalization, Tenerife (Canarias Islands, Spain), 27th March 2023.

15. «Is artificial intelligence an ethical strategy to secure wildlife?», XXI AEEFP Conference. Castellón (Spain), 3rd February 2023.

14. «Health from ecological justice», VI Iberoamerican Conference of Philosophy, Porto (Portugal), 23rd January 2023.

13. «Rewilding identitary foodscapes: moral challenges from multispecies justice», Eursafe Congress 2022, Edinburgh (United Kingdom), 8th September 2022.

12. «Health disparities in AI-based medical triage and contact tracing during the COVID-19 pandemic», World Congress of Bioethics 2022, Basel (Switzerland), 22nd July 2022.

11. «The Loss of Food Sovereignty in Synthetic Meat Transition: A Critique from Eco-Republicanism Justice», Eursafe Congress 2021, Fribourg (Switzerland), 25th June 2021.

10. «¿Será justo y sostenible alimentarse con carne cultivada en un futuro post-covid?», VII Congreso Internacional de Bioderecho, Murcia (Spain), 15th April 2021.

9. «Ecosystems Managed by Humans or Humans Managed by Ecosystems? Synergetic Flourishing from a Non-Anthropocentric View», HDCA Conference, London (United Kingdom), 11th September 2019.

8. «The food global syndemic: feedback dynamics between malnutrition and climate change», II International Conference on Philosophy of Public Health, Barcelona (Spain), 6th June 2019.

7. «The Fish or the Bear? Towards an Integrationist Comprehension and Interdependent Responsibility in Nature Protection Movements», EACAS Conference, Barcelona (Spain), 25th May 2019.

6. «The ecological limits of capabilities equality», XIX AEEFP Conference, Ferrol (Spain), 3th October 2018.

5. «Is it fair that animals have political rights of fraternity or solidarity?», 2018 Rethinking Animality Conference, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 26th September 2018.

4. «The right to a solidarity beyond the walls, the species and the present time», (Un)Common Worlds: Human-Animal Studies Conference 2018, Turku (Finland), 7th August 2018.

3. «Identity or solidarity food? Ex-ante responsibility as a fair culture approach», EurSafe Congress 2018, Vienna (Austria), 15th June 2018.

2. «Fragmented food autonomy: meat industry as a social determinant of health and counter-capability factor», 2017 EACME Annual Conference, Barcelona (Spain), 7th September 2017.

1. «Justicia intergeneracional en salud desde la biología evo-devo: epigenética como revolución de la autonomía», IV Iberoamerican Conference of Philosophy of Science and Technology, Salamanca (Spain), 6th July 2017.

Local Workshops, Seminars and Roundtables

Participation in Roundtable, Solidaridad Internacional Andalucía: Estrategias y prácticas agroecológicas y de renaturalización. Construyendo resiliencia en el medio rural y urbano ante el colapso, 17th May 2021, virtual.

Communication «Las contracapacidades del desarrollo humano: hacia un florecimiento sinergético», ESPACyOS: Seminario éticas aplicadas, 14th May 2021, virtual.

Communication «¿Cuáles deben ser los elementos prácticos centrales para consolidar una transición hacia la sostenibilidad?», UPV/EHU & HEGOA Institute: Sostenibilidad ecológica: explorando caminos de transición, 29th October 2020, virtual.

Participation in Roundtable, Agenda 2030-Gobierno de España: Reconstruir lo común: tejiendo alianzas para una estrategia de desarrollo sostenible, 15th October 2020, virtual.

Facilitator and chair «Rethinking Transition 2020: Repensando la transición a la luz de los nuevos movimientos ecosociales», organized by Red de Transición with the support of Transition Network and Ecolise, 19th September, virtual.

Participation in Roundtable, TECNOCOG research group-UAB: Epistemología e innovación en medicina,, 11th March 2020, Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Keynote communication «Los efectos de la ganadería intensiva», IQS-URL, 28th February 2020, Institut Químic Sarrià-Ramon Llull University. 

Keynote communication «Ganadería industrial: ¿una llamada a la moralidad?», Ca Revolta Valencia, 5th November 2020, virtual.

Organization of Seminars series «Interdependencia: nuevo paradigma, nueva civilización», in collaboration with Esther Molina (UdG), March-May 2018, Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Organization of Seminars series «Filosofía de la biología, Ética y Salud», in collaboration with Mónica Delgado (UAB), February-May 2017, Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Flashtalk «La autonomía y la justicia tras el transhumanismo», UAB: Jornada Retos de la Filosofía Contemporánea, El Transhumanismo, 15th February 2017, Autonomous University of Barcelona. 

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