
Here you will find the updated news of what I am currently working on.


«Loss of Integrity in Cultivated Meat: Bottom-Up Food Regeneration approached from an Ecological Justice perspective». Submitted to Food Ethics. Under review.

«Integrity or dignity? The roots for a synergetic flourishing». Submitted to Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. Under review.

«Rethinking ecosystems management from a non-anthropocentric capabilities framework». Submitted to Ethics, Policy and Environment. Under review.

«The moral pitfalls of cultivated meat: from utilitarian to eco-republican justice approach», Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. Abstract accepted, waiting for a final decision. In «Justice and Food Security in a Changing Climate».«Bias in algorithms of AI systems developed for COVID-19: A scoping review». In collaboration with J. Delgado, A. De Manuel, I. Parra, J. Rueda, et al. Submitted to the Journal of Ethics and Information Technology. Waiting for a response.

«Eco-cognitive turn in epistemology through rewilding practices» (Provisional title). Work-in-progress, in collaboration with Alger Sans. Expected submission by September 2022.

«Ethical biases in deep learning processes to measure rewilding» (Provisional title). Work-in progress, in collaboration with Irene Moyano. Expected submission by December 2022.

«The crossroads of Transition Movement in a changing citizenship: An updated assessment of Spain» (Provisional title). Work-in-progress, in collaboration with researchers of Red de Transición and ICTA-UAB. Expected submission by December 2022.

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